What are the Keys to Longevity?

June 17, 2011
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Harvard scientists have observed that the shortest living Americans are Native American populations in South Dakota, living an average lifespan of 66.5 years, whereas the longest-living Americans are Asian-American women residing in Bergen County, N.J., who live to an average lifespan of 91.1 years. That’s a nearly 25-year difference. Just think about what you could do with 25 “extra” years, particularly if you could enjoy them with sound body and mind. Here’s what science says about the best ways to stay healthy, active and vital into your older years.1) Choose Wisely– A study found that poor lifestyle choices can shorten lifespan by as many as 14 years. The four lifestyle choices that contributed the most to longevity were smoking cessation, more fresh fruit and vegetables, moderate alcohol consumption and staying physically active.2) Maintain a healthy weight3) Stay active with 3.5 hours or more per week of exercise4) Find your happy place and stay emotionally calm and organizedThe quality of life we live as we age is directly dependent on the choices that we make now regardless of our age. The practical choices that we make on an everyday basis are what help us achieve living an extended healthy lifespan. Take a little time and evaluate your current health in conjunction with your health care provider. Small, progressive changes can make a big difference in how long you live and the quality of life you enjoy.

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