Why Should I Exercise

May 8, 2010
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People who consistently exercise do so for a variety of reasons.These reasons change as we get older. Science is discovering more and more reasons to work out. The impact of exercise on our health goes far beyond a trim body and hard muscles. There are some obvious health reasons to exercise: lower blood pressure, increased resting heart rate, lower body fat, etc. These are all important to improving overall physical health.Living longer is another reason to exercise. In fact, a recent studysuggests that men can live 14 years longer if they exercise, keep theirwaist size down, and don’t smoke. Together these three behavioral modifications reduce a man’s risk of coronary heart disease events by 59 percent, risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by 77 percent, and risk of all cause mortality by 69 percent compared to their less-healthy counterparts who did not participate in exercise.Exercise can also play an important role in reducing cancer risk. Another recent study has shown that exercise can help reduce the level of certain hormones in women that contribute to their risk of breast cancer.Perhaps the most motivating reason to exercise is not the physicalbenefits, but the benefits associated with a person's mental wellness. One study examined the cognitive development of teenagers and revealed that cardiovascular fitness at age 18 predicted educational achievements later in life. In another study researchers showed that exercise can actually reduce cognitive impairment. Twelve months of a once-weekly or twice weekly resistance training benefited the executive cognitive function of selective attention and conflict resolution among senior women.So why do I exercise? It is pretty simple. I do it for myself and for the people I love. I do it because it makes me feel good, gives me more energy, helps me relieve stress, makes me feel young, and much more. I do it out of respect and appreciation for the incredible life I’ve been given. I do it because I would not ask someone to do something that I myself am not willing to do. So if you are planning on doing a triathlon, marathon, 5k, playing in a sports league, or just walking around the block, congratulations to you and keep up the good work. Be active, stay active, and enjoy your improved health.

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