In 1971, Arthur Guyton M.D., said that the regulation of pH is one of the most important aspects of homeostasis, and to maintain it you should look first to alkalize the body. So three questions need to be asked:1) How does a change in pH affect homeostasis?2) At what age does this usually occur?3) What causes the body to get so acidic?According to research in NEJM, the age is 40 and the cause is the standard American diet. Food research shows that practically everything a person eats burns to acidic ash with the exception of fruits and vegetables. The research showed that as we age our blood acid increases and our alkaline bicarbonate reserves decrease. By the age of 40 the average American has lost all alkaline reserves and these finding warrant consideration that acidosis may be a cause of degenerative disease.People need to eat better overall, and especially more fruits and vegetables. Medical science reminds us that every day good nutrition and good health go hand in hand, especially when it comes to the healthful benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. Most leading health authorities recommend that adults eat at least seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day for better health. Despite growing scientific evidence, the average American eats less than one serving per day and children eat even less that that.One way that we can get the proper servings of fruits and vegetables that we deserve is to drink a morning alkalizing fruit and vegetable shake. A daily fruit and vegetable shake provides convenient, easy to consume whole-food nutrition rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients.The daily fruit and vegetable shake is not a substitute for eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables everyday; it simply helps to bridge the gap between what we should be eating and what we actually do eat.Fruit and vegetable shakes are typically a superlative health food because they often contain a wide variety of phytonutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fatty acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, and other substances that together exhibit antioxidant, detoxifying, antiinflammatory and anti-microbial benefits. The protein powder I use is from Nutri-west called Total Greens. It is packed with so many good things. I have two scoops almost everyday in my fruit drink.
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