There’s a lot of talk these days about following an “alkaline diet” as a way of restoring health and prolonging life. In principle a lot of the core ideas behind this approach make good physiological sense. Having the proper pH is so important for many reasons. Simply put, when cells are more alkaline they are more tolerant, better able to detoxify, and more able to maintain a high energy potential. The diet and lifestyle described in The Alkaline Way approach reverses excess cellular acid and improves energy production, while enhancing detoxification and intestinal repair.Ten Alkaline Way Tips:Water/Hydration-drink two or more quarts of pure, mineralized water dailyBreakfast is important-Find which breakfast fits your body. Does your body like a large protein rich breakfast or a smaller breakfast higher in complex carbohydrates. Other options are fruit, eggs, or granola.Lunch– If you had a big breakfast eat a smaller lunch and if you had a small breakfast than eat a larger lunch.Dinner-Eat lighter in the evening. Include roasted or baked alkaline rich foods like sweet potatoes, yams, lentils, beans, chickpeas, and other root vegetables.Evening-Drink a small amount of water a few hours before bed and a small snack.Snacks– having snacks is ok as long as the portions aren’t excessive.Omega 3 and 9 oils– Whole fish from deep cold water or wild, line-caught fish are recommended.Balance carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, and fiber-Whole organic or bio-dynamically grown foods provide a better balance of healthy carbohydrates, fats, protein, nutrients, and fiber. Avoid added sugar.Movement, mood, and mobility-What is used gets renewed; what is not used atrophies. Movement increases metabolism that helps burn calories more efficiently. Active movement during the day is critical to maintaining skeletal, intestinal and cardiac muscle strength and coordination.Personal Care-Since hormone disrupters often find their way into personal care and cosmetic products, use organically certified products with ingredients whose names show they are from plants rather that artificially produced.
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