Modern medicine has overlooked the critical importance of proper hydration and the far reaching and devastating affects of dehydration. Water is not just a substance that dissolves and carries various substances throughout the body, it acts as a coolant, creates structure and provides energy to every cell in the body.As we look into the subject of water we must also look at those things that affect its balance. Soda, coffee, tea, alcohol, and manufactured beverages can all affect the critical balance of water in the body. It is a well known fact that the previous substances are dehydrating and yet we consume them in astronomical amounts.Dehydration affects cognitive performance including concentration, alertness, and short term memory in children, young adults, and the elderly. Dehydration is also a risk factor for delirium and dementia like symptoms in the elderly and very ill. It is also a predisposing factor in observed confusion in long term care residents. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation but studies indicate that increasing fluids is only effective in the hypo-hydrated state and is not as effective in dehydrated individuals.The body recycles about forty thousand glasses of water every 24 hours to maintain normal physiological function. Water should be consumed about 30 minutes before a meal to prepare the digestive tract for food and 2 hours after a meal to aid in digestion and prevent dehydration from the digestion of food. Water should be consumed upon rising to correct water loss during sleep. It is also suggested to add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan salt to the water to replenish mineral and help alkalize the body. Water should be consumed before exercise to be available for the cooling affect of sweat and sweat production.I recommend to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day, more if it is warm/humid and you are exercising.
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