Connecting Through Social Media

May 12, 2011
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One of the biggest changes occurring globally is how we communicate. Case in point, look at how rapidly social media networks have grown to accommodate ever-advancing technology. People of all ages are signing up to be able to connect with friends and family across the globe. What was once seen as an impossibility is now today’s reality.What is social media? “A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.”I am writing about social networking as a way to keep in touch with my current clients and prospective clients that need answers for their health problems and for overall keys to general wellness. My goal with keeping up to date with these sites is to be able to share ideas, activities, events, and interests in the health field so as to keep the general public more informed about new advances.I am asking anyone that receives this newsletter to find me on some of the social media sites and ask your friends and family to find me too. This will allow me to help keep you more informed about what is going on in the health arena. Find me on Facebook at Holze Wellness Center Ltd, on Twitter at Dr. Chris Holze, LinkedIn at Chris Holze and Wordpress at The Holze Wellness Blog. My goal is to keep you more up to date on things that we are learning, classes we attend, articles or books we are reading, motivating quotes, and any events or classes we might be attending or hosting. Many people have cell phones with internet or media capabilities. You can receive information from me directly to your cell phone too. I am trying to stay up to date so please be patient with me as I learn more about the world wide web and social media. Thanks so much for your help in spreading the news about natural health care.

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