12 Gifts of Good Health

December 11, 2012
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Instead of giving your loved one a partridge in a pear tree and lords a-leaping this year, why not give a healthful gift that keeps on giving? The following presents are as good to give as they are to receive.1) 1 molasses cookie– Molasses may be helpful in weight loss.2) 2 ounces of almonds-It can help with Type II diabetes.3) 3 ounces of salmon– The omega 3 fatty acids can be anti-inflammatory.4) 4 ounces of red wine– May help raise HDL in the body.5) 5 yoga poses-Can help with flexibility and range of motion6) 6 ounces of Greek yogurt– Contains 2x the protein and 1/2 the sugar.7) 7 servings of veggies– Increases brain functioning.8) 8 hours of sleep– Lack of sleep is linked to many health issues.9) 9 minutes of meditation– Improves memory and reduces stress.10) 10 minutes of activity– 3 ten minute bouts of activity a day for health.11) 11 minutes of sunlight– Sun exposure allows the body to produce Vit D12) 12 weeks of resistance training– Moderate-intensity resistance training exercise including seven different exercises for three sets of 12 reps was shown to reduce high blood pressure after 12 weeks.Christmas can be a very stressful time but it is during this time that we really need to take care of ourselves and not let our health go by the wayside. Try to refrain from eating all those delicious Christmas cookies and maybe have an apple or pear instead. Have a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic healthy new you for the New Year.


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